About Us
The Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal is dedicated to the cause of early childhood, working tirelessly to instill positive impacts on the development of children up to the age of six. We advocate to ensure that their rights are upheld and that young children are a priority for the nation— not tomorrow, but today!
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Early Childhood
In the first six years, children learn a lot and fast, with 90% of brain connections forming during this time. The experiences children have and the environments in which they are raised have lifelong impacts.
To achieve their full potential, it is essential that they receive love, care, stimulation, and protection.
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concerning early childhood.

Desigualdades no acesso à creche e à pré-escola persistem, revela Censo 2022 do IBGE
Dados apontam crescimento na matrícula de crianças, mas com disparidades regionais e raciais
Fundação e Columbia University realizam curso sobre primeira infância para jornalistas
Com inscrições até 14 de abril, seminário intensivo será realizado de 27 a 29 de junho no RJ
Série “Primeira Infância no Município” reforça a prioridade para as crianças de 0 a 6 anos
Guias orientam as novas gestões municipais sobre políticas para a primeira infância
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Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal celebra seis décadas de contribuições ao país
Nesse período, a organização estimulou avanços na ciência, na saúde e na parentalidade
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Marco Legal da Primeira Infância: 9 anos apoiando as infâncias e garantindo direitos
Legislação estabelece que crianças de 0 a 6 anos devem ser foco de políticas públicas

Library Digital
Explore Brazil’s most extensive digital collection dedicated
to early childhood
Our library features over 600 resources on early childhood, including articles, videos, books, and infographics, all free to download and tailored to support early childhood development. Enjoy!
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Our Initiatives
Curious about the Foundation’s projects? Our efforts are centered around two key strategies:
advancing public policies for early childhood and mobilizing society for early childhood