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‘Agosto Verde’ (‘Green August’): Celebrating Early Childhood Month

Hailing the theme of “Caring for Each Child is Caring for the Whole Country,” the Fundação Maria Cecília Souto Vidigal’s awareness campaign spans multiple platforms, including the internet, television, urban street furniture, and public transportation

Published on 01/08/2024 04:42, by Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal

August marks a pivotal focus on early childhood development, designated as Green August, the Early Childhood Month. This period, up to the age of six, is crucial for children’s developmental trajectories.

To commemorate this occasion, Fundação Maria Cecília Souto Vidigal is spearheading the campaign“Caring for Each Child is Caring for the Whole Country,” aiming to highlight the significance of nurturing and stimulating young minds.

The campaign begins with the introduction of the “August Early Childhood Month” stamp, serving to distinguish all related materials produced by the Foundation and its collaborators. The stamp is available for public use. Click here to download the stamp.

The program will also feature the premiere of the “Every Step of the Way” manifesto video on early childhood and the launch of the Foundation’s revamped institutional website.

Additionally, an audiovisual campaign starring the animated digital influencer Nelson, ‘o Nenê,will run on television and online. This campaign extends to the public sphere, with displays on digital clock signs and at subway and train stations throughout São Paulo (SP).

These efforts are further amplified by the #CuidarDeCadaCriança campaign,which will showcase related content on the social media platforms of the Foundation, influencers, and partners.

“Numerous studies confirm that investing in early childhood effectively combats inequality, breaks the cycle of intergenerational poverty, circumvents the need for future compensatory measures, and safeguards the childhoods of both today and tomorrow. Recognizing Early Childhood Month is crucial as it encourages us to share this knowledge, engage society in discussion, and mobilize political leaders,” states Mariana Luz, CEO of the Foundation.

This marks the second year celebrating the date, officially established by law 14617 in July 2023. This legislation not only designates August as Early Childhood Month but also mandates a series of activities initiated by the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches.

The law includes provisions for nationwide awareness campaigns about the comprehensive care necessary for pregnant women, children, and their families. It also encourages legislative bodies to prioritize and expedite discussions on issues pertaining to early childhood.

A significant milestone occurred at the end of June with the signing of a presidential decree that sets forth guidelines for establishing an Integrated National Policy on Early Childhood..

This decree draws from the recommendations of the Early Childhood Working Group Group within the Council for Sustainable Economic and Social Development (‘CDESS’ in the Portuguese acronym; known as the “Conselhão”), with the Foundation and ‘Todos pela Educação’ (‘All for Education’) serving as technical rapporteurs. Formed in August of the previous year, the Working Group was tasked with formulating recommendations for this policy, which is currently under preparation and slated for launch in October.
