Our History
Since its inception in 2007, the Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal has been dedicated to ensuring the full development of Brazilian children during their first few years of life so that they can enjoy a healthy and stimulating childhood, with their rights guaranteed.
O início dessa trajetória está ligado a uma homenagem: o banqueiro Gastão Eduardo de Bueno Vidigal e sua esposa, Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal, criaram a Fundação em 1965, em memória da filha, Maria Cecilia, que morreu aos 12 anos, vítima de leucemia.

Foundation Established
Uma homenagem. Essa era a motivação do banqueiro Gastão Eduardo de Bueno Vidigal e de sua esposa quando criaram a Fundação em memória da filha, Maria Cecilia, que morreu aos 12 anos, vítima de leucemia. O propósito era incentivar a pesquisa e o conhecimento no campo da hematologia.

The Foundation’s laboratory expanded its operations, offering various hematology courses and establishing a specialized library to support research and education in the field.

Aiming to translate and disseminate scientific information, the Foundation conducted presentations within companies to raise awareness about HIV during a period when AIDS was largely misunderstood.

Strategic Reflection
Considering its future relevance, the Foundation began exploring new focus areas. With scientific advancements in knowledge and treatments for cancer, discussions were initiated to identify new directions that could continue to benefit society.

Members of the second and third generations of the Souto Vidigal family prepared to take over the Foundation, focusing on adapting to contemporary societal needs. Their initiatives spanned education, health, and the environment.

Interest in early childhood development intensified after neuropediatrician Dr. Saul Cypel presented a robust scientific project on this critical life stage. The same year, the 1st International Workshop on Child Development was held.

New Direction
The Foundation firmly established its commitment to early childhood development, driven by the understanding that experiences during the first six years of life profoundly impact individual and societal growth.

The initial phase of the ‘Programa Primeiríssima Infância’ (‘Early Childhood Program’) was launched and developed in collaboration with municipal governments across the state of São Paulo.

The Foundation partnered with the ‘Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo’ (‘São Paulo Research Foundation’ / FAPESP) to launch calls for research proposals focused on early childhood development. This year also marked the first time the 4th International Workshop on Child Development was open to the general public.

The Foundation became a key player in the ‘Núcleo Ciência Pela Infância’ (NCPI), a coalition formed with other national and international institutions to bridge science and society. The 1st International Symposium on Early Childhood Development was held.

Through the NCPI, the inaugural Executive Leadership Program in Early Childhood Development took place at Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA).

The ‘Programa São Paulo pela Primeiríssima Infância’ (‘São Paulo Program for Early Childhood’ / SPPI) was honored with the Alas Award by the International Development Bank in the Best Innovation category and also secured first place at the 4th State Forum on Health Promotion.

The Foundation celebrated its 50th anniversary. This year was highlighted by the launch of the TV series “Quando tudo começa” (“When It All Begins”), produced in partnership with the Discovery Channel. Additionally, the NCPI introduced the ‘iLab Primeira Infância’ (‘Early Childhood iLab’), designed to foster science-driven social innovation.

The Foundation’s values reached new audiences through the documentary “O começo da vida” (“The Beginning of Life”). The Legal Framework on Early Childhood was enacted, establishing laws that prioritize children up to six years old in program development and public policy formulation.

The home visitation project in Boa Vista (Roraima, Brazil), developed with Saving Brains, progressed towards broader application. The Foundation endorsed the ‘Agenda Regional para o Desenvolvimento Integral na Primeira Infância na América Latina’ (‘Regional Agenda for Holistic Development in Early Childhood in Latin America’) international pact and entered into partnerships with the International Center for Journalists and the Dart Center at Columbia University (USA).

New Cycles
The SPPI Program transitioned from a collaborative project with the São Paulo State Health Department to established public policy. In collaboration with the São Paulo local government, the Foundation helped launch the ‘Plano Municipal pela Primeira Infância’ (‘Municipal Plan for Early Childhood’).

Looking to the Future
The Foundation defined its vision for Brazil’s future up to 2030, aligning its goals with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Pandemic Challenges
Launch of the ‘Primeira Infância Primeiro’ (‘Early Childhood First’) platform and the animated personality ‘Nenê do Zap,’ alongside initiatives to recognize and reward the efforts of professionals in early childhood education and home visitation.

COVID-19 Impacts
New studies from the Foundation revealed an increase in educational disparities in preschools and a decline in children’s behavioral development during isolation. Initiatives launched include the #TáNaHoraDaEscola movement and the production of the series “Quanto Mais Cedo, Maior” (“The Earlier, the Better”), “Que corpo é esse” (“What Body is This?”), and "Primeiros anos" ("The Early Years").

Election Year
The Foundation conducted new research on early childhood in the post-pandemic era, developed recommendations, and engaged with gubernatorial candidates to raise awareness. The animated character ‘Nenê do Zap’ was rebranded as ‘Nelson, o Nenê,’ expanding its reach.

Mobilizing Leaders
The Foundation engaged with managers across all states and the federal government through a series of events and training sessions. It contributed to the Federal Government’s Council, developing guidelines for an Integrated National Policy for Early Childhood. August was designated as Early Childhood Month.

Early Childhood First
The Council’s Early Childhood Working Group submitted its final report to the Department of Institutional Relations of the Presidency of Brazil on June 13th. On June 27th, President Lula signed a decree establishing guidelines for the creation of an Integrated National Policy for Early Childhood.

Foundation Established
Uma homenagem. Essa era a motivação do banqueiro Gastão Eduardo de Bueno Vidigal e de sua esposa quando criaram a Fundação em memória da filha, Maria Cecilia, que morreu aos 12 anos, vítima de leucemia. O propósito era incentivar a pesquisa e o conhecimento no campo da hematologia.

The Foundation’s laboratory expanded its operations, offering various hematology courses and establishing a specialized library to support research and education in the field.

Awareness Initiatives
Aiming to translate and disseminate scientific information, the Foundation conducted presentations within companies to raise awareness about HIV during a period when AIDS was largely misunderstood.

Strategic Reflection
Considering its future relevance, the Foundation began exploring new focus areas. With scientific advancements in knowledge and treatments for cancer, discussions were initiated to identify new directions that could continue to benefit society.

Members of the second and third generations of the Souto Vidigal family prepared to take over the Foundation, focusing on adapting to contemporary societal needs. Their initiatives spanned education, health, and the environment.

Interest in early childhood development intensified after neuropediatrician Dr. Saul Cypel presented a robust scientific project on this critical life stage. The same year, the 1st International Workshop on Child Development was held.

New Direction
The Foundation firmly established its commitment to early childhood development, driven by the understanding that experiences during the first six years of life profoundly impact individual and societal growth.

The initial phase of the ‘Programa Primeiríssima Infância’ (‘Early Childhood Program’) was launched and developed in collaboration with municipal governments across the state of São Paulo.

The Foundation partnered with the ‘Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo’ (‘São Paulo Research Foundation’ / FAPESP) to launch calls for research proposals focused on early childhood development. This year also marked the first time the 4th International Workshop on Child Development was open to the general public.

The Foundation became a key player in the ‘Núcleo Ciência Pela Infância’ (NCPI), a coalition formed with other national and international institutions to bridge science and society. The 1st International Symposium on Early Childhood Development was held.

Through the NCPI, the inaugural Executive Leadership Program in Early Childhood Development took place at Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA).

The ‘Programa São Paulo pela Primeiríssima Infância’ (‘São Paulo Program for Early Childhood’ / SPPI) was honored with the Alas Award by the International Development Bank in the Best Innovation category and also secured first place at the 4th State Forum on Health Promotion.

The Foundation celebrated its 50th anniversary. This year was highlighted by the launch of the TV series “Quando tudo começa” (“When It All Begins”), produced in partnership with the Discovery Channel. Additionally, the NCPI introduced the ‘iLab Primeira Infância’ (‘Early Childhood iLab’), designed to foster science-driven social innovation.

The Foundation’s values reached new audiences through the documentary “O começo da vida” (“The Beginning of Life”). The Legal Framework on Early Childhood was enacted, establishing laws that prioritize children up to six years old in program development and public policy formulation.

The home visitation project in Boa Vista (Roraima, Brazil), developed with Saving Brains, progressed towards broader application. The Foundation endorsed the ‘Agenda Regional para o Desenvolvimento Integral na Primeira Infância na América Latina’ (‘Regional Agenda for Holistic Development in Early Childhood in Latin America’) international pact and entered into partnerships with the International Center for Journalists and the Dart Center at Columbia University (USA).

New Cycles
The SPPI Program transitioned from a collaborative project with the São Paulo State Health Department to established public policy. In collaboration with the São Paulo local government, the Foundation helped launch the ‘Plano Municipal pela Primeira Infância’ (‘Municipal Plan for Early Childhood’).

Looking to the Future
The Foundation defined its vision for Brazil’s future up to 2030, aligning its goals with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Pandemic Challenges
Launch of the ‘Primeira Infância Primeiro’ (‘Early Childhood First’) platform and the animated personality ‘Nenê do Zap,’ alongside initiatives to recognize and reward the efforts of professionals in early childhood education and home visitation.

COVID-19 Impacts
New studies from the Foundation revealed an increase in educational disparities in preschools and a decline in children’s behavioral development during isolation. Initiatives launched include the #TáNaHoraDaEscola movement and the production of the series “Quanto Mais Cedo, Maior” (“The Earlier, the Better”), “Que corpo é esse” (“What Body is This?”), and "Primeiros anos" ("The Early Years").

Election Year
The Foundation conducted new research on early childhood in the post-pandemic era, developed recommendations, and engaged with gubernatorial candidates to raise awareness. The animated character ‘Nenê do Zap’ was rebranded as ‘Nelson, o Nenê,’ expanding its reach.

Mobilizing Leaders
The Foundation engaged with managers across all states and the federal government through a series of events and training sessions. It contributed to the Federal Government’s Council, developing guidelines for an Integrated National Policy for Early Childhood. August was designated as Early Childhood Month.

Early Childhood First
The Council’s Early Childhood Working Group submitted its final report to the Department of Institutional Relations of the Presidency of Brazil on June 13th. On June 27th, President Lula signed a decree establishing guidelines for the creation of an Integrated National Policy for Early Childhood.
Our Values

Love for the Cause
Early Childhood First

Committed to delivering outcomes with responsibility, transparency, and integrity.

Fostering integration and partnerships grounded in trust.

Blending excellence and innovation with commitment and ease.

Upholding respect, inclusion, and impartiality in all our actions.
Team and Governance
Who are the dedicated individuals behind the Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal? Discover the team members, past and present, who contribute to the development of Brazilian children!
Board of Trustees
A governing body charged with making key decisions and overseeing the management of the Foundation’s assets

Chairperson of the Board of Trustees

Chairperson of the Board of Trustees

Fiscal Board
Responsible for auditing accounts, ensuring compliance, and managing risk for the Foundation’s endowment fund



Investment Committee
Focused on maximizing the endowment’s resources through technical recommendations and insights



Communication Committee
An advisory body that supports the Communications department in promoting awareness of early childhood development across society



Intelligence Committee
Fórum de assessoramento, apoio e análise criado para agregar conhecimento qualificado à Fundação sobre temas de seu interesse (programáticos ou institucionais)

Conduct and Ethics Committee
Órgão de controle e supervisão das regras estabelecidas no Estatuto Social, no Regimento Interno, no Código de Conduta e demais políticas e diretrizes da Fundação

Controlling Manager


Controlling Manager


The dedicated individuals who work daily to ensure the Foundation’s initiatives deliver outstanding results

Societal Awareness Analyst

Societal Awareness Analyst

Societal Awareness Analyst

Public Policy Manager

Public Policy Analyst

Controlling Manager

Investment Control Manager

Digital Societal Awareness Specialist

Estagiária de Sensibilização da Sociedade

Controlling Analyst

Public Policy Analyst

Executive Assistant

Operations Intern

Public Policy Intern

Project Office Analyst

Investment Analyst

Public Policy Manager

Director of Operations

Public Policy Analyst

Societal Awareness Analyst

People Management & Corporate Governance Specialist

Public Policy Analyst

Public Policy Analyst

Welfare Godmother


Public Policy Director

NCPI Portfolio Leader

Conversation and Play Facilitator

Director of Societal Awareness

Project Office Analyst

Societal Awareness Leader

Societal Awareness Manager

Operations Intern

Executive Advisor

Societal Awareness Analyst

Societal Awareness Analyst

Societal Awareness Analyst

Public Policy Manager

Public Policy Analyst

Controlling Manager

Investment Control Manager

Digital Societal Awareness Specialist

Estagiária de Sensibilização da Sociedade

Controlling Analyst

Public Policy Analyst

Executive Assistant

Operations Intern

Public Policy Intern

Project Office Analyst

Investment Analyst

Public Policy Manager

Director of Operations

Public Policy Analyst

Societal Awareness Analyst

People Management & Corporate Governance Specialist

Public Policy Analyst

Public Policy Analyst

Welfare Godmother


Public Policy Director

NCPI Portfolio Leader

Conversation and Play Facilitator

Director of Societal Awareness

Project Office Analyst

Societal Awareness Leader

Societal Awareness Manager

Operations Intern

Executive Advisor
2023 Annual
Anual 2024
O investimento na primeira infância deve ser prioridade para transformar o presente e construir um futuro melhor. Em 2024, em parceria com governos e organizações, seguimos firmes nessa missão, apoiando a criação, a implementação e o monitoramento de políticas públicas para crianças de 0 a 6 anos e suas famílias. Além disso, mobilizamos a sociedade sobre os primeiros anos de vida e as práticas parentais positivas. Confira!

BrowseEthics and Transparency
Commitment to transparency and accountability defines our approach to partners and the public. Every year, an independent external auditor reviews our activities, systematically affirming, without reservations, our financial practices concerning our operational performance for each fiscal year. Detailed financial statements, annual reports, and all related explanatory notes are available for review in this section.
Our Partners
Discover the organizations that support the Foundation’s efforts, providing human resources, institutional connections, and collaborative engagements.